About 2-11 Poker

While Omaha and Texas Hold’em have induced excitement from gamblers for years, the poker world is now ready for the next new game. From his poker table at home, Bruce Paul has filled that void with an offering that will grace the felt for years to come. Combining the most exciting elements of Omaha and Hold’em with an increased choice given to the players, 2-11 brings a new spark to the game of poker, and with it, new hope and new action.

2-11 Poker is the first new table game approved by the State Gaming Commission in over 26 years! The last game to do this was Omaha. Isn’t it time for something new & exciting to revive cardrooms everywhere?

2-11 Poker is currently approved by the State Gaming Commission in: 


Cardrooms & casinos in these states can now begin the process with their respective gaming authorities before the game can be officially played in that establishment. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Players, including the likes of Jamie Gold and journalists such as Adam Slutsky of Bluff Magazine and Rick Rosen of ESPN Sports have relayed the perceptions of many of the game’s fans in resounding terms. 2-11 brings with it a swell of enjoyment that comes with the draw of an exciting new experience and the prospect of the mastery of a new game.

For more about 2-11 Poker Rules, How to Deal, and 2-11 Variations read more here

“When sitting at the poker table of life, there are two kinds of people. It’s up to you to determine who the angels are. They come in all different forms and each player you sit with will have a lesson for you. Sometimes the lesson says to give your aces away. When that happens, you have to ask yourself if you have the courage to let go of the small nugget. Generally, when you show courage, you gain the strength to handle the larger nugget.”

-Bruce Paul, Creator of 211 Poker

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